S4E'S SLES programs are as unique as you are. We custom design programs for young people with disability who require that little extra support to prepare for work and reach their employment goals. Our aim is to provide you with independence, building your confidence and work readiness in a friendly, flexible and interactive environment.
Get assistance from our Team to enable your pathway to work. Our discovery process helps us identify your unique needs, so that you may reach your sustainable employment goals. We offer individualised support for up to 3 years to assist with enabling your readiness and help build your confidence.
Our team works closely with you to develop customised programs to meet your goals, enabling you to find and keep a job.
S4E’s School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) assist eligible NDIS participants with SLES funding with the transition from school to work through the provision of person centered individual programs that allows participants to build skills at their pace and in a style that meets their needs to achieve their goals.
S4E’s programs provide every participant with the ability to apply choice and control to develop work preparedness through a range of:
We recognise and respect that every participant's goals are different. We will assist assist you with individual person-centered programs based on your choices to build your work readiness. This could include, for example:
For further information call 03 9689 0600 and speak to our National SLES Program Manager.